Chimney Repair Merion, Merion Station and Lower Merion Township

Chimney Repair Professionals Merion, Pa Home Page merion sign

Chimney Repair Merion, Pa

It takes more than a mason to do it right. Please visit the links below for more free information as to why a mason alone cannot properly perform chimney repairs.
Chimney Repair Ardmore Pa
Before tree damage (Google Earth) and shows a two-piece stone top.
repairs to chimney ardmore pa
chimney repair company ardmore
Tree damage (left) and New Stone (one piece) Top Hoisted into place.
chimney repair completed ardmore pa
(Above) Chimney repair completed with one piece stone top and sub-level Crown Wash (better than original).
Common Problems with Chimney Repairs
chimney needing repair   chimney repairs needed
Poor repair methods destroys chimney (left) and neglect on Crown Wash causes destruction (right). Below: Closeup shot of Brick destroyed by poor re-pointing methods:
chimney repair pointing
CHimney Flashing AMerion Pa
Chimney Repair (This page is a must read especially regarding pointing and crown wash issues).
Merion Roof Repair
Chimney Flashing Merion Pa
Chimney Flashing    

Often, Brick construction is done wrong in the first place: Brick Screen Walls

Chimney Repair Merion, Lower Merion and Merion Station

Website written by, Robert Wewer