2016: Over 38 Years of Service to the Industry
We Solve Rooftop Deck Leaks - Guaranteed!
You cannot just look for a crack and assume that the source of a leak on a deck or parapet is that obvious.


When single trade applicators converge on critical areas, often we have a train wreck that causes major leaks. Above, is a photo montage of one specific case of a very technical area of detail that was not handled correctly. The leaks below this area resulted in a rotting (fiberglass) deck, interior damage, mold, etc. The shingle roof flashing, of which we are experts, must always return the runoff onto the roof. When a parapet intersects with the shingle roof, a material such as fiberglass is an excellent material that can be made to form flashings monolithically turning corners without the joints, caulk, sealant, etc. We have many years of experience in all the cladding disciplines so these junctures, we routinely repair.
As we continue to improve: We have developed the Flash Plates to replace the Weep Pocket style applications. The Flash Plate installation differs from Weep Pockets in that stucco is not removed but the high points are grided down and FRP Panel is installed. This provides a good smooth base for wall flashing that is outside of the wall cladding (stucco) plane. The runoff is directed out and over the primary wall cladding (stucco) and the Flash Plates are Counter Flashed to seal the vertical:

As you can see: Accumulated water runoff is "Kicked-Out" and over primary Wall Cladding (stucco) & Sloped Roof Cladding (in this case: Shingles & Base Flashing). Note: Dust is cleaned up upon completion.

The parapet intersection above appears innocent enough, however as exposed (seen below), the rot is extensive. Photos below depict work in progress. Work both in progress phase to completion can be viewed on our youtube channel.

Water must be returned onto the cladding and not allowed into the wall.
