You are faced with Stucco Problems and you don't know where to turn. To add insult to your injury the marketplace has it’s oportunist single-trade contractor(s) that use the same sub-contractors and methods that cause these issues. (We say 'don't repeat the cycle' for a reason.) They come touting fake AI generated reviews and fancy pitches filled with fear mongering and the like. Inspectors come to fill the need for answers and to look at obvious conditions, but they want to drill holes and do destructive harm to your sound cladding endeavoring to validate that your home is suspect, all the while negating in finely written agreements, your recourse for legal action if they are wrong. In any other realm, we would refer to these practices as scams. Be very careful. Philadelphia is full of poorly done stucco and there are plenty of stucco contractors ready to answer your call to replace your failing wall cladding. Will they do it right? Many come from the same new-construction mindset that fostered the original issues. As far as stucco and a lot of the wall cladding materials available please see the video below (under START HERE). You need to be informed so that you don’t ‘Repeat the Cycle!’

FIRST YOU NEED DEFINITIVE CAUSATION DETERMINATION to prevent a return of the problem. Your stucco issue may be a symptom of another issue and blaming the stucco from the curb is often the inexperienced approach of the single-trade mindset. You do not want to fix this problem again and the leaks and rot can be a reoccurring nightmare even after you go through replacement of your stucco. If you only address symptoms and not the root cause, you are not solving anything.

SECOND YOU NEED DAMAGE EXTENT DETERMINATION, not just a few little holes drilled in your stucco, possibly damaging your cladding (in the event it is salvageable).

THIRD YOU NEED A REASONABLE PLAN to remedy not only the stucco problems but the cause of the failure.

FOURTH YOU NEED EXECUTION in the professional remedy in replacement of the stucco (if need be) or other possible remedy – We do not always advocate total replacement if it is not necessary. We fix the causes and the downline damage.

There is not another company like ours that can do what we do. Our skillsets span across the building trades and we do not use sub-contractors. Call us and you will get honest answers.

Stucco Replacement PhiladelphiaStucco Rapair pictureStucco Replacement PhiladelphiaStucco Stop Beads Video