Whether the subject roof is rubber, plastic, asphalt or coal tar pitch, the enemy is the sun. The sun's ultraviolet rays will dry a rooftop and render it useless if the roof is not serviced. On many low sloped roofs the vertical parapet flashing details will go before the field. This is usually because single ply of lesser quality roof flashing material was used on the walls. The walls do not require the formidably necessary on the low sloped field. The wall flashings can degrade before the field, leaving the walls unprotected to leak down and under the field plies. This can cause a roof to fail. Simple repairs can avert all of the usual reasons for premature roof failure.
Many times when a roof is warranted for a period of time, its life can be extended to double of that warranty with the proper servicing of the rooftop. Even dried-out rooftops can be brought back into service with new elastomeric coatings available to the industry. Roof coating in Philadelphia is a thriving business as it is relatively inexpensive and it represents true value.
We service commercial roofs in the Philadelphia area with an arsenal of products that extend the life cycle of low sloped roofs while saving our clients on their energy bills.
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