Cleanup and containment and even testing is usually touted as the paramount issues as you just want it gone. The sales professional will deride anyone with differing views on the eradication of the problem. A consumer should be advised to take a step back from overriding negativism in any form as to make someone question or to fear as this is a common tactic in sales, especially in mold remediation. The most costly approach is often recommended, one that involves laborious and expensive surfactant cleaning. Demolition and rebuild work is usually relegated to sub-contractors and the real profit is in the selling of the mold experts' methodology of removal while prevention is left to the quality of the sub-contractors' work.
This approach is fueled by profit and the lack of understanding of the relative causes of moisture problems is usually missing from the discussion. Consumers should be guarded in spending good money on removal of mold that will return without tradesmen with understanding of the predominant moisture related issue.
The cleanup of mold is of major importance but should not overshadow the root cause as it will return as it often does when the services of mold abatement companies are employed. Call Bob Wewer today by contacting FSI Restorations to speak with a professional that can bring understanding to the conversation.
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